Enroll for 2025
Enrolment for our 2025 places are now available. It looks like we have a full group so please ensure you head to the Surf Coast Shire Enrolment page and apply to secure your child's spot for 2025
Applications for 2025 will open Tuesday 2 April 2024. For further details and how to apply, visit surfcoast.vic.gov.au/kinder.
Thank you to all the families that attended our open evening/ play date on Monday evening. To any families that couldn't make it please reach out for an individual tour.
Call us at any time.
Don't forget the next step is to head to the Surf Coast Shire website and fill in our Kinder application form https://forms.enrolnow.com.au/220807008408955
Our Program and teaching practice is guided by National Quality Standards and the Victorian Early years Learning and Development Framework.
This Frame work sets the highest expectations for every child and identifies five outcomes for all children:
• Children have a strong sense of identity
• Children are connected with and contribute to their world
• Children have a strong sense of well-being
• Children are confident and involved learners
• Children are effective communicators
We as educators embrace these documents as they outline our own professional values and beliefs * Respectful relationships, Partnerships with families, High expectations and equity, and most importantly Reflective practice. These documents support us as educators to focus on the learning that occurs, to think more deeply about, when and how our children learn best.
What does this mean for the Kinder Environment? Play is the primary means by which pre-school children learn. For us this means setting up Permanent Learning Spaces that encourage, support, and challenge children. Opportunities to explore, investigate, problem solve, imagine, create and experiment.
As educators we actively engage with the children and their experiences, supporting, extending and deepening their learning.